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Baseline Services in the Nursing Home
These are the some of the generic services offered in the daily basis. At the time of commencement, a written copy of the basic services required by the patient must be made available by the client
The following are refered to.
- A Medical Information Board, including therapeutic and Dietary information, as prescribed by a Medical doctor
- 24-hour-per-day nursing care or Hospice Care
- Pharmacy Prescriptions
- Full Medical diagnosis
- Any medical equipment, medical supplies and modalities used in the care homes, including but not limited to catheters, hypodermic syringes and needles,personal protective equipment, dressings and pads, etc.
- Fresh bed linen, as required, changed daily, any number of appropriate substitutes changed as often as required
- General household medicine cabinet supplies, including but not limited non prescription medications, materials for routine skin care, dental hygiene, care of hair, etc. except when specific items are medically indicated and prescribed for exceptional use for a specific resident.
- Assistance and/or supervision, when required, with activities of daily living, including but not limited to toileting, bathing, feeding and assistance with getting from place to place.
- Services, in the daily performance of their assigned duties, by members of the nursing home staff assigned to resident care.
- Use of customarily stocked equipment, including but not limited to crutches, walkers, wheelchairs or other supportive equipment, including training in their use when necessary, unless such items are prescribed by a doctor for regular and sole use by a specific resident.
- Activities program, including but not limited to a planned schedule of recreational, motivational, social and other activities together with the necessary materials and supplies to make the resident's life more meaningful.
- Social services as needed. Provision of optician and optometrist services.
- Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology services, audiology services and dental services, on either a staff or fee-for-services basis, as prescribed by a doctor, administered by or under the direct supervision of a licensed and currently registered physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech pathologist, qualified